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CMOS Image Sensor Testing
Application Background
Market demand for CMOS sensors has risen dramatically due to the increased use of SMART phones with embedded cameras and surveillance devices. The miniscule size and powerful capabilities of CMOS sensors make them ideal for traffic control, factory monitoring, and security protection. Devices that can quickly test CMOS sensors are indispensable during design verification, testing, mass production, and mass-assembling.
The Challenge
Along with the increasing of the resolution of CMOS image sensor, the image data throughput and higher pixel clock rate support of current solutions are becoming insufficient. Therefore, a high-speed DIO card with flexible timing and trigger modes is now the ideal solution for interfacing the digital image data from CMOS image sensor.
The Solution: PCIe-7350: 50 MHz 32-CH High-Speed PCI Express® DIO card
The PCIe-7350 can support up to 50 MHz internal clock rate or 100 MHz external clock rate, which corresponds to the pixel clock rate of CMOS image sensor. The flexible trigger modes are capable of handling Vsynch and Hsych signals for each valid image frames. The PCIe-7350 is also embedded with I2C & SPI Master interfaces, which can be used for sending the initial/register file to the CMOS image sensor for image mode configuration. The data throughput through the x1 PCI Express® bus interface can reach up to 200 MB/s-plenty sufficient for capturing high resolution image patterns at high frame rate.
Advantages & Features
Flexible timing: up to 50 MHz internal clock or 100MHz external clock
Flexible trigger modes: Post, gate, re-trigger, handshaking
Embedded I2C & SPI Master serial interfaces for the initial/register file download of CMOS image sensor
Customer Benefits
The PCIe-7350 provides higher throughput and clock rates to increase testing speeds and lower costs.
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