How to Login to the ADLINK DDS Customer Portal
If you are a valid user of the Support System, you will have received a username and password. From website homepage select Support. From the Support page, select Support Login. You will be asked to enter a username and password. Then select Login.
Note: If you have forgotten your password, please select "Click here to email us". Please send us your username and we will send you your password to your email address.
The first time you login to the system you will be asked to change your password to a memorable word.
When you first login to the system you will see the Home Page. This screen will automatically list all of your "Open" cases. "Open" cases are all outstanding cases that have not been closed. From this page you can log a new case, view a list of all the cases that you have entered (including "Closed" issues), select to view/update the details of any particular case and Logout.