The PCIe-8158 delivers high-frequency pulse rates up
to 6.55 MHz and hardware-controlled emergency stop, software
security protection, card index switching, and simultaneous linear/
circular run, exceeding industrial cost/performance requirements.
Compatible with Mitsubishi, Panasonic and Yaskawa servos and
any pulse-train controlled servo and stepper drives, the PCIe-8158 allows complex moving patterns through multiple
axes that move with linear and circular interpolations using
continuous contouring. Applicable for a variety of linear and circular
trajectories, the PCIe-8158 delivers the smoothest
motion control for a wide range of manufacturing applications.
Modularized configuration accommodates ADLINK extension
boards for distributed I/O control and high-speed triggering functions.
Note: Since ADLINK will not release any future MotionCreator updates, only Windows XP and no later OS is supported