*This product is only available in China, Singapore & Taiwan.
The Euresys Grablink series is a range of high-speed PCI, PCI Express® and Compact PCI frame grabbers for line-scan or area-scan digital Camera Link® cameras. State-of-the-art cameras are easily connected with off-the-shelf Camera Link® compliant cables. The Euresys Grablink series is ideal for industrial applications such as inspection of high-speed moving objects, web inspection or high-resolution acquisition.
Flexible and reliable LINE-SCAN acquisition
The Grablink series interfaces to line-scan cameras with line rate and exposure control, free running cameras are supported as well. The “web mode” allows inspecting a continuously moving surface without losing a single line. In “page mode”, a Grablink acquires a set of consecutive lines constituting a 2D image. The frame grabber imposes a camera scanning rate derived from a motion encoder. This guarantees a fixed pixel aspect ratio. Perfect square pixels are achievable.
Serial control of camera
The Grablink series supports the Camera Link pseudo RS-232 serial line. The application software can use the Camera Link API functions to control the camera. Alternatively, the serial line can be configured as an additional PC COM port ensuring interoperability with existing camera control software.
DMA(Direct Memory Access)
All Euresys frame grabbers are PCI bus mastering agents that directly store the acquired images into the PC physical memory without CPU involvement. As a unique feature, a Euresys board automatically recovers the scatter-gather virtual memory mapping to present the data as a regular bitmap image in a user allocated memory buffer.