EVA SDKは、異なるハードウェアプラットフォーム間でのシングルソースAIマシンビジョンプロジェクトの展開をサポートするエッジコンピューティングビジュアル分析ソフトウェアです。EVA SDKはADLINKの最先端AIデバイスに組み込まれ、スマートマニュファクチャリングにおけるエッジAIアプリケーションの開発を加速させます。
TensorRT™、OpenVINO™、ONNX RuntimeのAI推論フレームワークに対応
EVA RuntimeとEVA IDE(統合開発環境)を含む
EVA Portalで利用可能な豊富なアプリケーション対応サンプルとサポート
Semiconductor factories commonly have restricted areas that require workers to wear protective safety gear when offloading hazardous cargo. In this use case you can see how a NEON smart camera with EVA SDK can monitor personnel for appropriate safety gear and immediately sound an alarm to prevent accidents if personnel enter dangerous areas without protective equipment.
ダウンロードはこちらFactories commonly have restricted areas to keep workers safe from moving automation or robots. In this use case you will see how a robot working area is designated as a restricted area to prevent people from entering it. If someone enters the restricted area, the region will turn red if the display is set to true, and an alert event will be recorded as metadata for a downstream element to activate.
ダウンロードはこちらEVA is used for monitoring product assembly based on a standard operating procedure. Each part requires assembly according to a predetermined time with the total assembly time for multiple parts analyzed to dynamically adjust part assembly in real-time. AI-based vision controls monitoring and guides operators to follow the adjusted SOP both through real-time on-site reminders and long-term data analysis.
ダウンロードはこちらIn order to protect personnel in the field who need to access and operate high-voltage equipment, a foolproof safety system is necessary. In this use case, you can learn how EVA uses AI vision to immediately detect whether an operator is wearing the correct safety equipment, avoiding personal injury.
High-precision semiconductor factories use air showers to remove surface-deposited particles from personnel prior to them entering a cleanroom, but workers failing to follow proper cleanroom procedures can put products at risk. Using AI to detect whether an employee's behavior complies with SOP can reduce the amount of dust by 80% and improve production quality.
Network Original framework AI model type GoogLeNet Caffe/ONNX Classification ResNet18 Nvidia TLT ResNet ONNX SqueezeNet VGG MobilenetV2 AlexNet CaffeNet RCNN_ILSVRC13 DenseNet-121 Inception_V1/V2 ZFNet-512 ShuffleNet_V1/V2 -
Network Original framework AI model type SSD Inception-V2 Tensorflow Object Detection Face detection(SSD based) Caffe Yolov3 Darknet/ONNX Yolov4 Darknet/ONNX Yolov3-tiny Darknet DetectNet_v2-ResNet18/34 Nvidia TLT OpenPose PyTorch Pose Estimation FCN-Alexnet Caffe Segmentation Intel Segmentation Caffe