Rugged by Design Platforms Fuel Transportation Markets
Validated Rugged for Extreme ITS Applications
Rugged design expertise is ADLINK's strength, bolstered by our acquisition and integration of industry leader AMPRO Computer in 2008. ADLINK products are Rugged by Design, which validates performance to MIL-STD shock, vibration and temperature during the product development process, in contrast to requalifying rugged performance after the fact.
ADLINK's rugged and Extreme Rugged™ boards and systems meet or exceed MIL specifications, surpassing extreme railway and public transportation design standards. Component selection, circuit design, printed circuit board (PCB) layout and materials, thermal solutions, enclosure design and ISO- and TUV-certified development processes are carefully managed and proven by robust test methods including MIL-STD-810 or MIL-STD-202 shock and vibration testing, as well as Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT). Rugged product design is validated from the ground up to ensure long-term reliability, purpose-built to handle the shock, vibration and extended temperature environments found in public transportation applications.
Application Ready Intelligent Platforms Reduce Design Risk
Smart Design Principles Keep OEMs Focused on Application Development
ADLINK's boards, panels and modules are optimized for transportation applications – providing right-sized rugged performance whether the application is controlling operations or interfacing with passengers. ADLINK also offers fully formed Application Ready Intelligent Platforms (ARIPs) that combine hardware and software into a computing engine for end-user applications; developers gain a competitive advantage by maintaining focus on their core competencies in application development.
ADLINK's intelligent platforms validate capabilities using a range of I/O and performance options; systems are optimized for robustness, manageability and intelligence, including diagnostics and control, as well as advanced power management. Risk and development time are reduced, and systems get to market faster with standards-based, proven rugged performance. ADLINK's extensive range of technologies and platforms means transportation system developers have access to reliable, high availability performance, supported by ADLINK's in-house design and manufacturing.
Certified Platforms and Products Accelerate Time-to-Market
Transportation Industry Standards Drive Development, Safety and Performance
Transportation applications can be uniquely demanding for embedded designers, with extended deployments requiring always-on operation for up to 100,000 hours, even while performing outdoors or under conditions of high vibration. To manage these physical extremes, transportation systems and platforms must conform to stringent regulatory requirements. ADLINK's transportation systems are certified to industry standards including EN50155, and many others established by CENELAC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, and AREMA, the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association. These specifications define all characteristics of electronic equipment implemented on rolling stock and complement environmental regulations such as onboard fire and smoke protection.
ADLINK's industry-certified transportation products support fault-free performance under these conditions; certification assures passenger safety and enables developers to get to market quickly with robust, standards-compliant designs. ADLINK's certified transportation products and platforms answer global transportation industry requirements for onboard train management and wayside control systems, remote video surveillance and monitoring, broadband Internet access systems and a broad range of passenger information and entertainment systems.
Extending Deployments with Planned Product Lifecycles and Predictable Roadmaps
Industry Partnerships Enable Design Longevity
Transportation developers distinguish themselves with rapid product development that includes well-defined, extended product lifecycles – of particular importance in ultra-long term transportation deployments. ADLINK's in-house design and development capabilities expertly support developers in long-life solutions, including product planning and managing end-of-life (EOL) transitions.
Industry design expertise and knowledge are essential factors in achieving sustained market leadership in this challenging market, fueled by trusted engineering and design partnerships. ADLINK protects ideal product lifecycles with a trusted supply line based on the Intel® Embedded Platform Roadmap, assuring quality, performance, optimized time-to-market and longevity for development of next-generation designs. ADLINK works closely with Intel as a member of the Intel® Intelligent Systems Alliance, active in the ongoing development of products and platforms based on the latest high performance Intel® technologies and processors, including advanced 4th generation Intel® Core® processors.
Flexible, Robust Platforms Enhance ITS Development
Enhancing Passenger and Freight Transit with Rugged, Connected Technologies
ADLINK's rugged technologies are optimized for mission-critical train control and operation, networked security and safety, and high performance passenger infotainment. Our extensive roster of Rugged by Design board-level, box-level and user interface solutions provide reliability and flexibility across the spectrum of intelligent transportation systems – enabling high performance, faster time-to-market and reduced development costs for transportation system developers.
ADLINK's intelligent transportation platforms are validated to meet or exceed rigorous transportation industry standards, ensuring non-stop performance under extreme environmental conditions. ADLINK's transportation platforms include CompactPCI (ideal for European and China markets), rugged single board computers (SBCs), Computer-on-Modules (COMs), Smart Panels and Matrix fanless embedded systems.